[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-star » title= »Top School » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#2196f3″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/essential-supports-for-learning/ »]Primary School is a public school that attracts a lot of potential students in a region, also international countries.[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-cutlery » title= »Modern Canteen » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#ff5722″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/our-modern-canteen/ »]We boast a modern refurbished self-service canteen to provide quality healthy food to our students.[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-settings-square » title= »About School » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#cddc39″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/about-primary-school/ »]One of the top priorities of our school is to create a positive atmosphere for both students & teachers.[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-flower » title= »Friendly Support » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#3f51b5″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/school-food-service/ »]Student Services is the starting point for any questions students may have regarding courses of study.[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-globe » title= »Global Student » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#ffc107″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/our-local-students/ »]Currently, there are about 250 elementary students in grades K through 5 attending Primary School.[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon= »zmdi zmdi-lamp » title= »Teaching Quality » fontsize= »24px » color= »#252525″ icon_font_size= »48px » icon_color= »#ff6633″ title_link= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/teaching-kids-life-skills/ »]Teacher quality is one of the four key pillars of the Primary’s students-first approach to school education.[/iconbox]
Photoshop 50%
Branding 92%
Web Development 76%
Mobile Application 33%
SEO Marketing 85%
Photoshop 50%
Branding 92%
Web Development 76%
Mobile Application 33%
SEO Marketing 85%
[k2t-student number= »4″]
[member image= »4053″ background_color= »#fcd900″ name= »Professional Method » member_related_url= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/k-teacher/vincent-owens/ »]

Helping children develop in the best possible way and become motivated, positive students.


[member image= »4144″ background_color= »#ff5722″ name= »Affordable Pricing » member_related_url= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/k-teacher/nate-upton/ »]

Helping children develop in the best possible way and become motivated, positive students.


[member image= »4063″ background_color= »#cccc33″ name= »Educated With Love » member_related_url= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/k-teacher/anna-belle/ »]

Helping children develop in the best possible way and become motivated, positive students.


[member image= »4049″ background_color= »#bbdefb » name= »Learn in Playing » member_related_url= »http://demo.knighthemes.com/primary/k-teacher/colin-jerry/ »]

Helping children develop in the best possible way and become motivated, positive students.


[k_teacher_listing style= »boxed » column= »columns-3″ teacher_per_page= »3″ teacher_pagination= »hide »]
[piechart percent= »90″ color= »#2196f3″ background_color= »#3f51b5″ text_color= »#ffffff » title= »Website Design »][/piechart]
[piechart percent= »63″ color= »#cddc39″ background_color= »#ff6633″ text_color= »#ffffff » title= »Mobile Applications »][/piechart]
[piechart percent= »32″ color= »#fcd900″ background_color= »#1976d2″ text_color= »#ffffff » title= »Corporate Identity »][/piechart]
[piechart percent= »51″ color= »#ff5722″ background_color= »#afb42b » text_color= »#ffffff » title= »Graphic Design »][/piechart]
[piechart style= »style-2″ percent= »90″ color= »#cddc39″ text_color= »#383838″ title= »Website Design »][/piechart]
[piechart style= »style-2″ percent= »63″ color= »#ff5722″ text_color= »#383838″ title= »Wordpress »][/piechart]
[piechart style= »style-2″ percent= »75″ color= »#1976d2″ text_color= »#383838″ title= »App Development »][/piechart]
[piechart style= »style-2″ percent= »63″ color= »#fcd900″ text_color= »#383838″ title= »Social Marketing »][/piechart]
[k_teacher_listing teacher_per_page= »4″ teacher_pagination= »hide »]

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

Primary Kindergarten School is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of New York work together to create a rich environment that supports the development of, and adds to, each individual’s life compass.

This toolkit includes tools and materials that will help you implement strategies to facilitate this process and enhance a child’s transition to kindergarten.

The Primary School prides itself on offering a more supportive learning environment. Delivering a rewarding learning experience with the personal touch forms the core of what we do at Primary.

We are dedicated to providing teaching that is informed by our research, and focused on delivering real world, experiential learning. Our teaching is outstanding in several areas, and our ambition is to continue on this upward trend.

Our focus on the future improves the student experience through continual investment in the University’s facilities. We also create jobs and support the local economy.

Our focus on the future improves the student experience through continual investment in the University’s facilities. We also create jobs and support the local economy.

The Primary School prides itself on offering a more supportive learning environment. Delivering a rewarding learning experience with the personal touch forms the core of what we do at Primary.

We are dedicated to providing teaching that is informed by our research, and focused on delivering real world, experiential learning. Our teaching is outstanding in several areas, and our ambition is to continue on this upward trend.

Our focus on the future improves the student experience through continual investment in the University’s facilities. We also create jobs and support the local economy.

Our focus on the future improves the student experience through continual investment in the University’s facilities. We also create jobs and support the local economy.

[piechart style= »teacher-skill » percent= »75″ color= »#1976d2″ title= »Photoshop »]One of the top priorities of Primary is to create a positive atmosphere.[/piechart]
[piechart style= »teacher-skill » percent= »63″ color= »#ff5722″ title= »Graphic Design »] aliquet elit nulla sed massa. Ut cursus massa urnaaculis estieed. [/piechart]
[piechart style= »teacher-skill » percent= »50″ color= »#cccc33″ title= »App Development »] aliquet elit nulla sed massa. Ut cursus massa urnaaculis estieed. [/piechart]
[piechart style= »teacher-skill » percent= »22″ color= »#fcd900″ title= »Social Networking »] aliquet elit nulla sed massa. Ut cursus massa urnaaculis estieed. [/piechart]
[k_teacher_listing teacher_border= »has-border » teacher_per_page= »4″ excerpt_length= »8″ teacher_pagination= »hide »]
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[k_event_listing style= »style-3″ masonry_column= »columns-3″ event_masonry_filter= »hide » post_per_page= »3″ event_pagination= »hide »]
[testimonial style= »style-2″ enable_pagination= »true » items= »1″ items_mobile= »1″ items_tablet= »1″ items_desktop= »1″][testi image= »3699″ name= »Rachel Donnovan »] “Primary School is the best private school with after-school care service.” [/testi][testi image= »3699″ name= »Rachel Donnovan »] “Primary School is the best private school with after-school care service.” [/testi][testi image= »3699″ name= »Rachel Donnovan »] “Primary School is the best private school with after-school care service.” [/testi][/testimonial]
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[heading align= »center » color= »#212121″ class= »title_icon_box »]Icon Box Shortcodes[/heading]

Icon Box shortcode is one of shortcodes available in Primary which you can take advantage of.

[iconbox layout= »4″ icon_type= »graphics » title= »AGE 0-2″ fontsize= »16″ color= »#252525″ graphic= »3753″]157[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout= »4″ icon_type= »graphics » title= »AGE 3-5″ fontsize= »16″ color= »#252525″ graphic= »3758″]232[/iconbox]
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