Welcome to PRIMARY School

Our school provide a rich learning environment for all children to learn and grow.

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[heading align= »center » color= »#252525″ class= »k2t-title-row »]Our Teachers[/heading]

Our teaching staff in Primary School are all well qualified early years teachers as are our assistants.

[k_teacher_listing style= »special-box » show_hide_social= »hide » column= »columns-3″ teacher_per_page= »3″ excerpt_length= »5″ teacher_pagination= »hide »]

[heading align= »center » color= »#252525″ class= »k2t-title-row »]Featured Courses[/heading]

Our Featured Courses are selected through a rigorous process and uniquely created for each semester.

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[heading align= »center » color= »#252525″ class= »k2t-title-row »]Upcoming Events[/heading]

We provide exciting events for your children. Explore our events, and discover how much we have to offer.

[k_event_listing masonry_column= »columns-3″ event_masonry_filter= »hide » post_per_page= »6″ event_pagination= »hide »]
[testimonial style= »style-2″ enable_pagination= »true » items= »1″ items_mobile= »1″ items_tablet= »1″ items_desktop= »1″][testi image= »3699″ name= »Rachel Donnovan »] “Primary School is the best private school with after-school care service.” [/testi][testi image= »4254″ name= »Teresa Hansen »]“Primary School is a quality, well resourced childcare with top-notch staff.”[/testi][testi name= »Virginia Alvarado » image= »4255″]“I would like to say a huge thank you to you and all the staff at Primary School.”[/testi][/testimonial]
[heading align= »center » color= »#252525″ class= »k2t-title-row »]From The Blog[/heading]

Getting to know more about our lovely pupils’ life and educational history of Primary School in the Blog Posts.

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